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About Me

There are many things that can draw a person to photography. For me it was my kids. Seeing them change and grow. I wanted to be able to remember all those tiny moments that happen every day. The things that you forget as time moves you forward.  As my family grew so did my desire to capture moments in time. To freeze it. To look at a photograph and remember exactly what i felt at that moment, where we were, what we were doing. Hear the laughter, smell the smells. My goal is to capture those details.

Then as life goes on, you find something that strikes you. Something that really hits you. For me, it was the loss of a friend. Seeing how fragile life is, how short it can be. I want you to have more then a memory. I want you to have a moment in time. A moment where it brings you back. So you smile and say, yes, this is us.
My Enchanted sessions are an expression of me. I wanted to grow up in a fairy land. Where unicorns and mermaids live! Don't many children? Being able to bring that fairy world to reality. So that they can be there in that moment. There in that fantasy. Its something I hope stays with kids. For a bit, not only can they live out what they believe. But they can remember it. Hold onto it. Knowing i have that magic at my fingertips and sharing it. It makes it so much more real for me too!

Be a part of  the Fairy Tale

Lina Poulson


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